Saturday, September 25, 2010


over the summer my Insan J Crew part took in a 2PM project by USAIAMHOTTEST; GivingBack2U. where International Hottests went around doing good deeds and gave back. well we Insan J Crew were apart of Relay For Life where we walked for cancer. it was a lot of fun and a great learning experience!
originally when i signed up for the project, i figured i would only give back maybe 5 hours tops of my time. but at the end of it all, each of us (there are 4) ended up giving 25+ hours EACH of our time to the project. that's like over 100 hours! we are awesome!
at the end of it all they made a video for 2PM and are making an online photobook for 2PM.
my submission:

here's the video:

not to mention a friend of mine who's a mod on 2OneDay forum is in charge of 2PM's 2nd anniversary. she was nice enough to ask me to design a pillowcase for 2PM =]
my design:

i hope 2PM like their gifts. they've went through a lot & i hope these will put more smiles on their faces and see how much they are loved around the world
much thanks to Michelle and 2OD mods

edit: here is more pictures of the pillow cases~ I really hope that 2PM are using these pillows hehe!

all credit to

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